Charlie Poole
2008-07-06 18:52:36 UTC
Hi All,
I guess I'm a feature junky. I said I would wrap up 2.5 Alpha-3
without any major additions, but I had this "one last thing"
just ready to go so I added it.
Per the release notes:
"Data may be specified for individual arguments of a parameterized test
using the new attributes: ValuesAttribute, RangeAttribute
and RandomAttribute. By default, test cases are created using
every possible combination of the items provided. Attributes on the
test method may specify how data is combined. This release includes
SequentialAttribute, CombinatorialAttribute (the default) and
PairwiseAttribute. However, Pairwise combination is not yet
implemented, so that attribute is currently ignored."
Now I have more doc pages to write. :-(
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I guess I'm a feature junky. I said I would wrap up 2.5 Alpha-3
without any major additions, but I had this "one last thing"
just ready to go so I added it.
Per the release notes:
"Data may be specified for individual arguments of a parameterized test
using the new attributes: ValuesAttribute, RangeAttribute
and RandomAttribute. By default, test cases are created using
every possible combination of the items provided. Attributes on the
test method may specify how data is combined. This release includes
SequentialAttribute, CombinatorialAttribute (the default) and
PairwiseAttribute. However, Pairwise combination is not yet
implemented, so that attribute is currently ignored."
Now I have more doc pages to write. :-(
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Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project,
along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lameness
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