Sort Order
Kelly Anderson
2008-08-27 20:27:36 UTC
This is pretty picky, but... it would sure seem to make more sense for
the sort order in the NUnit GUI tree to be numeric rather than
alphabetic for this sort of test. Not sure if that's hard, but it's
visually disconcerting.

public void WhatGoesInComesOut([Range(5.0, 15.0, 0.3)] double d)
double q = d;
Assert.That(d, Is.EqualTo(q));


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Charlie Poole
2008-08-27 20:37:24 UTC
I won't get to this for a while. Please bug it.

And feel free to work on implementing it as well. :-)

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Kelly Anderson
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 1:28 PM
Subject: [nunit-developer] Sort Order
This is pretty picky, but... it would sure seem to make more
sense for the sort order in the NUnit GUI tree to be numeric
rather than alphabetic for this sort of test. Not sure if
that's hard, but it's visually disconcerting.
public void WhatGoesInComesOut([Range(5.0, 15.0, 0.3)] double d) {
double q = d;
Assert.That(d, Is.EqualTo(q));
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