Charlie Poole
2008-06-16 19:14:21 UTC
Hi All,
Now that I'm back home, I can properly upload a number of changes
I made on my laptop while travelling.
So far, I have made the following changes:
1. The release is now 2.5 Alpha 3.
2. I have changed DataSourceAttribute to FactoryAttribute and it
may now appear on a property, field or method. Any of these may
be either static or instance members.
3. IParameterProvider.GetParametersFor(MethodInfo method) now
returns IEnumerable rather than IList.
4. The Test abstract class now has default implementations for
several properties that were previously abstract. One of the
Run() overloads has been removed.
I'll post further as more changes are made.
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just about anything Open Source.
Now that I'm back home, I can properly upload a number of changes
I made on my laptop while travelling.
So far, I have made the following changes:
1. The release is now 2.5 Alpha 3.
2. I have changed DataSourceAttribute to FactoryAttribute and it
may now appear on a property, field or method. Any of these may
be either static or instance members.
3. IParameterProvider.GetParametersFor(MethodInfo method) now
returns IEnumerable rather than IList.
4. The Test abstract class now has default implementations for
several properties that were previously abstract. One of the
Run() overloads has been removed.
I'll post further as more changes are made.
Check out the new Marketplace.
It's the best place to buy or sell services for
just about anything Open Source.